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MURIC is a One-Man Clown Show

By Farooq Kperogi  Twitter: @farooqkperogi A friend called my attention to MURIC's reaction to Pantami's fraudfessorial controversy...

By Farooq Kperogi 

Twitter: @farooqkperogi

A friend called my attention to MURIC's reaction to Pantami's fraudfessorial controversy🤣. Honestly, I've better things to do with my time than to read MURIC's trademarked comical drivel. 

MURIC is a one-man circus clown show that provides comic relief to a nation in distress. I give them credit for the hilarity of their stupidity.

I know of no sensible person who takes the buffoonish masquerade behind it seriously. 

Well, it's possible that there's a minority of suckers out there who think MURIC is worth someone's time. As a British proverb says, "If fools went not to market, bad wares would not be sold."


  1. Infact, we want them to patronize the market so that the bad wares could be sold immediately. That's another way of cleaning the market of unwanted wares too. ��


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