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Wednesday, March 26

Starting a Legal Challenge to Pantami’s FUTO Fraudfessorship

By Farooq Kperogi Twitter: @farooqkperogi I’ve contacted lawyers who’re willing to offer pro bono legal services to reverse Isa Ali Ibrahim ...

By Farooq Kperogi

Twitter: @farooqkperogi

I’ve contacted lawyers who’re willing to offer pro bono legal services to reverse Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami’s fraudulent professorial appointment at FUTO. Here’s how it will proceed.

Anyone who has 2 to 3 years of post-PhD teaching experience, has at least 10 publications (they can be in fraudulent, predatory journals and can be plagiarized like Pantami’s), has a full-time job outside academia, is domiciled in a place other than Owerri, and has no intention to relocate to Owerri now or in the future should apply for a professorship at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri.

If your application for promotion/appointment to professorship isn’t approved in the space of three months like was done for Pantami, please send me an email at farooqkperogiATgmailDOTcom. 

I have lawyers who have agree to sue FUTO for denying professorship to people who have the same qualifications as Pantami whom the university promointed (i.e., promoted and appointed) as a professor.

If FUTO can’t defend denying people a professorial promointment (i.e., promotion and appointment) in court, it’ll have to explain why Pantami is a “professor” even when he hasn’t met FUTO’s minimum requirements for professorship, when he has a full-time federal appointment that forbids him from taking another appointment, and when he has no intention to resign his appointment and go work at FUTO.

The inspiration for this line of challenge came from a story I read in the mid-2000s about a cocky, title-hungry community college president in America’s Midwest. (Community colleges are roughly equivalent to Nigeria’s ordinary-national-diploma-awarding institutions.) 

The president of the community college, who didn’t have a PhD, bought a cheap online doctorate from some dodgy online institution, and immediately sent a memo to the entire staff and faculty of the school requesting them to henceforth prefix “Dr.” to his name in correspondence with him and in official documents. 

Interestingly, that was precisely what Pantami did after his FUTO fraudfessorial award. He changed his official portrait, prefixed “Professor” to his name, and demanded that all government agencies under his ministry replace his new “professorial” portrait with the old one that prefixed “Dr.” to his name.😂🤣

Anyway, the staff and faculty of the community college decided to expose the folly and vanity of their president by also buying online doctorates and writing back to the president to request him to also address them as “Dr.” in every communication. He got the message and dropped his fraudulent doctoral title.

If the way Pantami became a “professor” at FUTO is the way to become a professor, most people will be FUTO professors. So, let’s test this legally.

By the way, Pantami, who is still sulking over national ASUU’s categorical denunciation of his professorial fraud at FUTO, is using his handpicked minion at NITDA to get at the union by disparaging its alternative payment platform called UTAS.

Although NITDA itself adjudged the platform as more than 80 percent technically compliant, it still went ahead to characterize it as having failed “integrity tests.” 

As ASUU president Emmanuel Osodeke said, “The report by the NITDA showed that UTAS scored more than 80 per cent on technical assessment and more than 85 per cent on end-user assessment. Can we say that 80 per cent and 85 per cent are failures?”

1 comment

  1. Many thanks Professor for the article. But Sir, could you help me make sense of UTAS (Universities Transparency Accountability Solution) in terms of whether the term is a misnomer? I thought we only needed a solution to "anti-transparency" or "non-accountability". I think the term Universities Transparency Accountability Solution would mean solutions to transparency and accountability, which cannot be honestly asked for


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