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Ramadan Mubarak to you all!

  By Farooq Kperogi Twitter: @farooqkperogi As we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan, I extend my warmest greetings to fellow Muslims all ...

 By Farooq Kperogi

Twitter: @farooqkperogi

As we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan, I extend my warmest greetings to fellow Muslims all over the world. 

This time of reflection, prayer, and fasting is a profound reminder of our faith's beauty and the strength it provides us, especially during challenging times.

Nigerian Muslims are going into the Ramadan fast amid a whole host of heavy existential burdens: excessive heat, unreliable electricity, and unprecedented economic difficulties.

Let us use this Ramadan as an opportunity to extend our hands in kindness and generosity to our immediate communities and extended family members facing hardships-- whether through du'a, donations, or raising awareness about their plight.

 May this Ramadan bring you peace, health, and increased faith. May we emerge from this month more spiritually rejuvenated, more compassionate, and more closely bonded as a community of humans irrespective of differences in faith.

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